MBA Prologue

Posted by C.T. Gray on October 01, 2019 · 3 min read

With only having a week pass since I achieved a Bachelor of Science degree, I was advised by my student mentor to enroll in the MBA program sooner than later. So that’s what I did.

As a returning student, the enrollment process was a breeze. On Sep 03, I filled out the returning student app on the website and was immediately assigned an enrollment counselor. We had a phone call where she just told me that she was waiting on the records department to finalize my transcripts from the BS degree. I told her I wanted to start on October 1 and she said it wouldn’t be a problem.

Within a few days, I got a notification that I just needed to pay the tuition which I did. It was a little bit more than the BS tuition (~$3700) but still a great value since I had seen graduate programs costing 10x+ that amount.

About a week after paying tuition, I was assigned a course mentor and I quickly setup an intro phone call for Sept 19. The call was pleasant and I explained that I would move through the courses fairly quickly and wanted to make sure she was on board with that. She was, and we setup a recurring two week call schedule beginning on Oct 4. She told me that I was cleared to start on Oct 1.

All in all, the returning student process was easy. I had only two calls with the enrollment counselor and exchanged two or three emails before I was assigned a mentor. I only had one call with my mentor before starting on Oct 01.

During the process, I wasn’t able to see any useful information on the web portal. It just showed me the “Congratulations” banner. I asked my mentor about that and she said that they had made an internal change and returning students wouldn’t be able to see anything until their start date.

It was a long week and a half before I could start but bright and early on the morning of Oct 01, I logged into the portal and saw the familiar view of courses and degree plan. I’m ready …