C455 English Comp I

Posted by C.T. Gray on April 15, 2019 · 1 min read

Credits: 3

Time to Complete: 15 days

This is a basic writing class. There are four writing tasks:

  • Literacy Narrative
  • Evaluation Essay
  • Causal Analysis
  • Proposal Arguments

The hardest part about this class is coming up with a suitable topic to write about. The papers are required to be in the 6th Edition APA format, so I just googled for, and found, that Microsoft Office template.

The grading material includes a rubric which I never looked at. I used the sample essays included in the learning modules as guidance. Also, my instructor was very helpful and offered to pre-view papers I wrote before submitting them to Taskstream.

Once the paper was written and submitted, it usually took the evaluation team two days to return the results. Luckily, I was able to get them passed on the first go without any followup revisions.


Download the APA format template. Bookmark an APA citation generator. Think of some good writing topics.