C714 Business Strategy

Posted by C.T. Gray on July 25, 2019 · 3 min read

Credits: 3

Time to Complete: 5 days

This class wasn’t too bad. It consisted of two essays, a powerpoint presentation, and an executive summary broken into three tasks. Task 1 is an essay regarding strategic planning. A scenario is presented with a case study and all that is required to write a couple of paragraphs for each rubric section. Mine was nine pages, including cover and reference pages.

Task 2 is another essay, this time a SWOT analysis. A template is provided and referencing back to the case study, it was fairly simple to identify the rubric requirements. Mine was eight pages, including cover and reference.

Task 3 is a powerpoint presentation and executive summary. I downloaded a PP template and just used it to plug in stuff from my SWOT paper. The rubric wanted presenter notes so I just mainly copied that out of my papers and wordsmithed it to sound like I was giving a presentation. The suggested length of the PP is 10-15 pages (minus title and end). It’s easy to do since the SWOT section included a slide with the SWOT then four additional slides for each facet of the SWOT. That made up half the presentation requirements. The rubric required slides for vision and mission statement so that accounted for two more.

The rubric also wanted the current strategic plan so I broke it out into two separate slides, one for advantages and one for disadvantages. I finished up with three action items for the recommendation plan and a made up timeline for implementation. All the information from my slides came out of the papers I wrote so there was nothing really new I had to come up with.

The last thing was an executive summary. The rubric suggested 1-2 pages and provided specific sections, so I just wrote a few sentences for each subject by pretty much copying/pasting the presenter notes from my PP.

This class took a total of 5 days but 3 of those days were just waiting on stuff to be graded.


This is an easy class and I actually had fun doing it. Download a powerpoint template to make things easier and use the case study as your main reference guide.