C211 Global Economics for Managers

Posted by C.T. Gray on January 11, 2020 · 2 min read

Credits: 3

Time to Complete: 2 days

This class wasn’t too bad. It was basically a rehash of Global Business from my undergrad stuff. While there is a lot of material to absorb, I didn’t feel it was necessarily overwhelming. I started off by watching the pre-recorded cohorts. There were about 7 or 8 of them, each about an hour long. They cover most everything I saw on the exam. I didn’t make use of the Centgage material very much. I only looked at it in the hour or so leading up to taking the OA. I’d have to say I didn’t glean much too material from it that I didn’t already have from the cohorts. I also made use of a quizlet to learn the specific terms.

I found the OA easier than the PA. It was 50 questions and the ones that I didn’t know the specific answer to, I was able to make an educated guess (common sense stuff). I found two questions on the OA were repeated and just worded slightly differently but had the same answer so that made for some easy points.

There’s a bit of macro/micro in this course. The packet from Jacob Clifford that I purchased for those two classes in my undergrad stuff was helpful. The macro/micro stuff from this course didn’t go into too much detail but it helps to know how to read supply/demand graphs and know how things react to changes (ie: what happens to price when demand goes down).

There are some horror stories on reddit about this course. Ignore them. It took me 14 minutes to complete the OA and I scored in the high 80’s with two sections exemplary and the rest competent.


  • Watch the pre-recorded cohorts by Dr. Suetorsak. They cover everything
  • Skim the reading material
  • Watch the Jacob Clifford ACDC Econ stuff on Youtube